
Work experience:

02.15 – Todays date – Freelancer – independent Illustrator
07.21 – 05.23 – Freelance – STREAM.TV – Illustrator
05.08 – 08.15 – Metrocon – Main organizer/PR/Guest manager



28.02.10 – Stavanger Photo – Camera and photography courses
08.12 – 08.13 – Stavanger Kommune – Courses in child-and youth work.


02.19 – 01.21 – Kea business academy – Multimedia Designer
08.18 – 12.19 – HIOF(Østfold University college) – Information technology, Digital Media
08.11 – 06.12 – Bergeland High School – Media and communication VG3
08.10 – 06.11 – Noroff High School – Media and communication VG2
08.09 – 06.10 – Noroff High School – Media and communication VG1
08.08 – 06.09 – Rogaland School of arts – Art and Theory
08.06 – 06.07 – Glomfjord High School – Design and Crafts basic course

Previously freelance illustrator for:

Language skills:

Norwegian: Native language.
English: Good comprehension, especially speech.
Danish: Good comprehension listening and reading.
Swedish: Good comprehension listening and reading.

If you believe my work as a illustrator can benefit your business/youtube channel and/or Twitch Channel,
You are very welcome to Contact me

Grethe_Bs comics & illustrations © 2024
CVR-number: 43427997

You are more than welcome to contact me so we can discuss tasks, work or questions