Graphic Design
I’ve occasionally as a freelancer been tasked with illustrating beer labels for a local, Danish craft brewer;
this is my latest work for their most recent craft beer which can be found out in the wild at Hop House, Amagerbrogade here in Denmark.

Designs made during my internship at WaowCapow Copenhagen made into products

I worked freelance for the streaming company, STREAM.TV also known as where my tasks as a illustrator is to make card motives for their streamheroes division and emote bases and assets for their emote maker.
© 2021 Streamheroes GmbH all rights reserved.
© 2021 Streamheroes GmbH all rights reserved.
My own digital designs made into Acrylic pins and some submitated mugs mixed with original and fanmerch designs
My illustrations as packaging design for a assingment at KEA, Multimedia.

If you believe my work as a illustrator can benefit your business/youtube channel and/or Twitch Channel,
You are very welcome to Commission me